Load r rmarkdown github portfolio
Load r rmarkdown github portfolio

load r rmarkdown github portfolio

R Markdown is a variation on Markdown allowing it to be implemented in R. Due to it’s basic nature, you need none to very little programming knowledge in order to write in Markdown!

Load r rmarkdown github portfolio code#

You can see the original Markdown code here. This webpage has been written in Markdown and then github has rendered this to allow you to view it as a webpage. It was originally designed for web developers to allow for editing of web pages with an easy-to-read and easy-to-write plain text format. Markdown is a coding language that allows for text-to-HTML conversion. This tutorial has been largely inspired by the fantastic resources available at the R Markdown Website.

load r rmarkdown github portfolio

It also has the ability to the render the R Markdown into easy-to-read documents including PDF, html or word document formats, allowing for easy production of reports. R Markdown is a nice solution to this situation, allowing you to group your code into “chunks” as well as acting like a notebook, with plots pictured directly below the code. Even with thorough notation of the script, this can often still be confusing.

load r rmarkdown github portfolio

However, I’ve often found myself lost in a 1000 line script, trying to work out what each line of script is doing and what plots are being produced. As a researcher who uses R on a daily basis, I started out using R Scripts to record my research. R has several nice ways to record your activities, and to make these as reproducible as possible including R Scripts and R Markdown. However when it comes to statistics and plots, people are less cautious about recording what they have done. This is a common practice within the wet lab with all researchers keeping a lab book. It’s important during research to keep a thorough record of your analysis.

  • Contact: Research field: Bioinformatician working on analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data.
  • Also you can change theme using the “Theme Chooser”. Go to repo settings -> GitHub Pages and point the source to where this index.htmlfile is. Make sure the homepage is named as index.html. Think the Github page as a one-page site with index.html as the homepage. So they don’t need their own output anymore
  • Remove the knit and output part from the heading of.
  • Here is another example, the yaml file for the sample page posted in the beginning, you can check the repo to see how are the files organized. Rmd files with the same names name: "cars" The name of the html files href match your RMarkdown html output. The following example as in the tutorial (format corrected) creates a navbar with website title “Cars”, home page named “HomePage” (using index.html) and another page called “” (using speed-and-distance.html). Most errors come from a wrong format of the yml file, for example, I’d get an error “Format is not of class rmarkdown” when the rendering completes if I remove one space before theme: cosmo. Make sure the yaml format is indented correct.
  • Create in the root directory a yaml file: "_site.yml".
  • And the example yaml code is not indented correctly (corrected below). You don’t need any of those branch operations. It is quite long and confusing as it tries to teach Git at the same time. You might have read this GitHub and RStudio tutorial by searching this topic.

    Load r rmarkdown github portfolio